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Meet Teresa, one of our travel experts for Seychelles.
Teresa Sullivan has been traveling and planning safaris in Africa for the last 15 years. She is one of the founders of Mango African Safaris.
Mango Safaris specializes in the finest tailor-made safaris, honeymoons and holidays throughout East and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean islands. Whatever your African dream may be, Mango Safaris can customize an adventure to suit your taste, budget and travel style.
Alphonse from the air
Visit the Island of Alphonse, the largest in this group of atolls, which lies 250 miles southwest of Mahé. Beautiful white beaches line the edges of the dense natural forest, interspersed with the remnants of old commercial coconut groves where you will find ancient ambling tortoises, scurrying crabs and an interesting array of bird species.
Photo copyright Michael Cottam.
At Alphonse Island Resort, the design offers a superb combination of luxury and originality to create a unique ambience. Enjoying some of the most spectacular diving, snorkeling and fishing, Alphonse is not to be missed.