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Meet Brian, one of our travel experts for Namibia.
Brian has always nurtured his passion for travel in his spare time. He's traveled the world, visiting over 40 countries.
Over time, this passion grew to the point where he began to search for opportunities to work in the travel industry. He's been an African Specialist at Mango Safaris since early 2006.
Onguma Tented Camp Overview
Onguma Tented Camp is a beguiling mixture of sophistication and relaxation - of elegance and the earth. It is these intriguing combinations and attention to detail that makes Onguma Tented Camp, the latest in Visions of Africas up-market portfolio of camps, the ultimate in safari chic. In the local Herero language, Onguma means the place you dont want to leave. With a stunning main building and seven tents providing private, exclusive accommodation, Onguma Tented Camp, certainly lives up to its name.
Photo copyright Onguma Tented Camp - Mango African Safaris.
Situated on the eastern side of Etosha, bordering Fisher's Pan, Onguma Safari Camps is a small and up and coming little camp. Here you will be afforded the opportunity of experiencing Africa in all her beauty and diversity. Onguma Private Nature Reserve has more than 20,000 hectares of protected land and wildlife.