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Meet Brian, one of our travel experts for South Africa.
Brian has always nurtured his passion for travel in his spare time. He's traveled the world, visiting over 40 countries.
Over time, this passion grew to the point where he began to search for opportunities to work in the travel industry. He's been an African Specialist at Mango Safaris since early 2006.
Milkwood Manor
The Georgian-styled building is designed for spaciousness, reflecting the vast unlimited landscape surrounding it, without sacrificing its ambiance of intimacy. This is epitomized by the airy double-story foyer, the large yet cosy restaurant, the private patios and balconies, and large breakfast and sundowner terrace, that afford spectacular views over the Indian Ocean, Keurbooms River Mouth, Keurbooms Lagoon and Tsitsikamma Mountains.
Photo copyright Milkwood Manor.
The Georgian-styled building is designed for spaciousness, reflecting the vast unlimited landscape surrounding it, without sacrificing its ambiance of intimacy. This is epitomized by the airy double-story foyer, the large yet cosy restaurant, the private patios and balconies, and large breakfast and sundowner terrace, that afford spectacular views over the Indian Ocean, Keurbooms River Mouth, Keurbooms Lagoon and Tsitsikamma Mountains.
There is a sense of vastness and freedom, not easily achieved elsewhere. But then, the property forms a peninsula, protruding into the river mouth, and has no neighbors but nature.
Guests enjoy to relax on the terrace, watch the birdlife and especially the sea and mountains as they change all the time. The ocean's white-crested waves enter the lagoon's mouth directly in front and interact with the lagoon, forming a wild cauldron as they clash at one moment, or peacefully mingling with each other six hours later, leaving a surface as smooth as a mirror.
In high season, there is in front of the Manor the additional spectacle of different boats entering the ocean or returning, and the fishing activity in the lagoon itself. This is not a place to easily get bored!
Nor hungry! "Lemon Grass Seaside Restaurant" is open to resident guests as well as the public. Its international cuisine is served on a terrace lapped by the ocean. Relish a delicious meal, whilst taking delight in the most spectacular panorama along the Garden Route. A vast landscape of sea, sand and sky; of ocean waves one moment roaring and aggressively engulfing, and next becalmed and in peaceful retreat; sea birds calling, dipping and diving, others congregating and sunning themselves on a tongue of sand; mountain peaks mysteriously shrouded in mist, at other times resplendent in their grandeur. This is nature alive! Where better to unwind and relax? The restaurant is spacious with a small elegant cocktail bar and is fully licensed.