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Resort History
Chena Hot Springs Resort is a small Interior Alaskan community that was founded over 100 years ago and has become the most developed hot springs resort in Alaska.
Photo copyright Chena Hot Springs Resort.
Come to Chena Hot Springs Resort and experience our healing mineral waters by soaking in our natural outdoor hot springs rock lake (ages 18+) or indoor family pool. Relax and enjoy the waters while you soak and watch the Northern Lights above.
Located scenic 60 miles outside of downtown Fairbanks, Chena Hot Springs Resort is unaffected by light pollution keeping the aurora visible to the naked eye during the winter months and allowing for a more secluded relaxing atmosphere. The Resort's isolated location also creates the perfect environment for seeing some of Alaska's most beautiful wildlife up close.
After relaxing, check out our Activities Center for a little adventure! We have a variety of activities scheduled year round for winter or summer months depending on the time of your visit. Also, be sure to check out Chena's hair salon and massage boutique for a convenient hair cut or relaxing massage during your visit.
Need to cool down? Pay a visit to our Aurora Ice Museum maintained by world ice art champions Steve and Heather Brice. Tour the museum and witness a marvel of renewable energy engineering. The facility is kept operational year round with the same geothermal energy that keeps the resort open for business.
Chena Hot Springs Resort has many options available for accommodations. Visit our reservations section of the site to book online or call (907) 451-8104 x2 to make reservations.
You don't have to spend the night to enjoy all the adventures of Chena Hot Springs Resort! The Resort is a great place for day trippers too. Chena is welcome to folks who just want to get away for the weekend or for folks who just want to come out for one evening. There's always plenty to do and a welcoming atmosphere at Chena Hot Springs Resort!
Whether you're looking for a relaxing break from the everyday or searching for a bit of adventure you don't want to miss the charm and beauty of Chena Hot Springs Resort.