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Meet Brian, one of our travel experts for Namibia.
Brian has always nurtured his passion for travel in his spare time. He's traveled the world, visiting over 40 countries.
Over time, this passion grew to the point where he began to search for opportunities to work in the travel industry. He's been an African Specialist at Mango Safaris since early 2006.
The three bedroom Babson House now accommodates up to six guests in luxurious and spacious surroundings. In a style reminiscent of the 1940s colonial comfort so admired in Out of Africa, guests can enjoy sundowners on a private veranda over-looking the ever-changing colors of the spectacular Waterberg Plateau.
Of course, cheetahs are never far away. In fact, some of the Cheetah Conservation Fund's ambassadors live just a couple of metres from the veranda.
Photo copyright Cheetah Conservation Fund.
This is true luxury in the midst of stunning natural surroundings. Best of all, the beautiful cheetahs are the guests neighbors.