Tips For Traveling On A Round-The-World Ticket

Traveling on an around-the-world ticketFirst things first: before embarking on a round-the-world trip, you have to weigh costs and benefits. It’s expensive. You’ll be away from friends and family for months, if not upwards of a year. But then again, you’ll be able to see everything you’ve ever wanted to see–chill out on the island of Mauritius, finally see Fiji, and eat the cuisine of Morocco–and you’ll be able to do it for a relatively low cost compared to booking separate trips. Do some soul-searching and research before you go: really take the time to plan your journey. Continue reading

Pilot’s view of descent into Queenstown, NZ

Descending through the clouds into Queenstown, NZThis is an absolutely stunning piece of footage of coming into Queenstown, NZ to land. It appears to be in a commercial jet, based on how he needs nearly every foot of runway available to get the thing stopped at the end. And the descent through the clouds…with the sharp-edged Remarkables mountains directly ahead and Lake Wakatipu below…well, this is why passengers get windows that look out the sides, so they don’t scream, pass out, etc. Continue reading